About and Objectives


IEATL offers basic and advanced training and support for laboratories that perform specific chemical residue and microbial testing. IEATL helps testing laboratories to perform their tests efficiently with the optimum use of their current techniques.

Main objectives

• Increasing the awareness and understanding of the advanced testing techniques.
• Method developments.
• Method Validation.
• Attaining the accreditation, ISO/IEC 17025:2017.
• Inter-laboratory comparisons.
• Related legislations.
• Storing chemicals and required spare parts.
• Performing tenders.
• Purchasing active highly pure standards, preparing the stock and working standard solutions.
• Purchasing only needed instruments for the current and future planned work.
• Offering the best design for the testing laboratories.

A laboratory can purchase an advanced instrument for the reside analysis of specific compounds, but can personnel in this lab carry out method development and perform the required routine maintenance!