Chemical Testing
IEATL can support laboratories to efficiently perform the residue analyses of various chemicals in different sample commodities. Such analyses may include; food safety testing, Forensic applications, and Pharma & BioPharma applications.
Such support includes, but is not limited to, the development of proper sample processing, preparation, sample analyses using the most effective advanced instrument suitable for the target contaminates analyses (achieving higher sensitivity for target analytes, low detection to co-extracted components, giving a reproducible result. Finally, IETL will guide you to establish good written related files; Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Guide the lab staff to good laboratory practices and properly write the final results.
IEATL also guides you to establish good written related files; Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), Guide the lab staff to good laboratory practices and properly write the final results.
IETL helps you to carry out a method validation for quantitative and screening methods